Thursday, March 12, 2009

The way things go.....

Hi everyone,
I told you that I would be back in about a week and get things situated on here. Well guess what, I came down with the worst cold and sore throat ever. It really knocked me out for over 2 weeks. I am just getting back into the swing of things and luckily it is slow the first part of the year. Of course when you are self employed - being down for the count doesn't feel right and having the sense of urgency, you make yourself get out there and work. So pretty much after 3 days, I said screw it, my body is telling me "STOP". So I did - didn't answer emails, phone and even my kids were concerned! What is really funny, that is the time designers in your life (you hadn't heard from in months) give you a call, when you feel like crap!! Remember your self employed and you put a smile on and answer them, to the best of your ability.

So I kind of rambled there, sorry. Just thought I should let you know where I have been, just home sick. So give me another week to get things all together with pictures and funny tales. I promise, I will be back with the blog up and running. Have a wonderful week!


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