Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holiday Recipe from Cynthia Loraas

Homemade 1 cup only Eggnog (the lighter version) the original recipe from my brother Brian

12 egg yolks
2 Quarts Half & Half
1/2 cup Cognac
1/2 cup Rum
1 3/4 cups sugar
2 tsp nutmeg
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cloves

Mix together with a whisk in order of ingredients and chill.

**remember always buy the best alcohol - no cheap stuff -trust me it makes the difference**

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Holiday Recipe from Cindy Loraas

This is the time of year to enjoy new recipes and each others company. We love this soup, it will warm you up on a cold day and make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. From my family to yours, enjoy!

Fiesta Pumpkin Soup

1 cup onion
1 cup red pepper
2 TBL oil
2 tsp garlic
---cook down---

1 cup tomato sauce
1/4 cup jalapeno peppers - diced
5 cups pumpkin chopped (sometimes we will puree later once pumpkin is cooked for a creamy, smooth soup)
5 cups lowsalt chicken stock (if you puree the pumpkin - add more liquids, water is ok)
1 tsp cumin
dash hot pepper sauce (Tabasco or Tapatio)

cook 15-20 minutes -after boiling - when pumpkin is soft (at this time you can scoop out the pumpkin or all of soup and puree - it is a little messy - but it is all worth it, turns nice and creamy)

add these items after cooked - then do 5 minutes more
2 cups cooked turkey (great for leftovers, we love to fry up chicken breasts with salt and pepper and then cube)
1 ripe avocado - slice them and then cube them up
2 TBL cilantro

when serving, add a handful of tortilla chips and a spoonful of sour cream

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Independent Living

This past weekend we moved my Grandpa and his wife into an independent living facility. We have moved the majority of their home, large items and a few nik naks. As I was doing this, I thought to myself at what point do we lose the design element when we grow old. Some people have it and some people don't, I have noticed throughout the years in this design business. I am wondering when do we start to allow certain things to come in our doors? At what age do we start this, posting free calendars in every room, kitty or flower poster pictures with that cheap plastic brass frame, cute postcards tacked up and even stuffed animals on the wall? Don't get me wrong, my little collection of things, I'm sure one day will look like junk and my children just might be thinking the same thing!

So what we have been trying to do, is this, go throughout the boxes and any little thing that might be sentimental value, we are adding to a collage on the wall in each room. We have framed metal work of cowboys, grandkids pictures, old cast iron trivets with sayings on them and even a hand carved back scratcher. Then those items are up and they can see them and talk about them daily if need be.

This a going to be a journey, my mom and I started it and my aunts will be over next week to join in the fun. So slowly we will uncover those little treasures, that we just might want to take home and add to our own little pile. I actually found a little turtle magnifying glass and I will keep you posted if I find anything else to go in my collection.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Social Networking

I have started to work my social network on the web. It is now time that I link all things wonderful together, so I do not lose my mind! This social society is trying to take over my life but what I am willing to do, is network. This networking will create a buzz around my business and hopefully the momentum will allow us as a small shop to explode.

The advertising that this brings to my business is incredible. Free, which I wouldn't be able to pay for such an outcome otherwise. Advertising is quite expensive when most of my business is brought in by word of mouth. Like I said before, weekly I will post a blog about our work and any wonderful new things we are doing in the shop.

I have a link to Facebook, please come and join us as a fan. Many pictures are posted with stories and our shops daily news. We are also on This is a great handmade community with an array of items for sale. It is nice to be a part of both communities and I look forward to building our internet presence. This presence will get us through the winter months!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The way things go.....

Hi everyone,
I told you that I would be back in about a week and get things situated on here. Well guess what, I came down with the worst cold and sore throat ever. It really knocked me out for over 2 weeks. I am just getting back into the swing of things and luckily it is slow the first part of the year. Of course when you are self employed - being down for the count doesn't feel right and having the sense of urgency, you make yourself get out there and work. So pretty much after 3 days, I said screw it, my body is telling me "STOP". So I did - didn't answer emails, phone and even my kids were concerned! What is really funny, that is the time designers in your life (you hadn't heard from in months) give you a call, when you feel like crap!! Remember your self employed and you put a smile on and answer them, to the best of your ability.

So I kind of rambled there, sorry. Just thought I should let you know where I have been, just home sick. So give me another week to get things all together with pictures and funny tales. I promise, I will be back with the blog up and running. Have a wonderful week!


Saturday, January 31, 2009

This is just a test - Hello everyone, I will be up and running in a week or so. This space will be associated with designers, workrooms and the local market. I will be doing a monthly blog - on new jobs we are working on, frustration on jobs and just an everyday sense of where we are at in this industry. I hope it will be helpful and that you as well could comment and let us know where we can improve! By for now and we look forward to our ongoing web adventure.